Terms & Conditions

Rental Terms and Conditions
Each drone rental is governed by these terms and conditions.

By renting equipment from Southern Drone Solutions, you acknowledge your understanding of the product and associated software’s usage. You agree to be renting hardware from us, not a help service. You are responsible for testing the equipment and are required to report any faults as soon as they are known so appropriate action can be taken.
If technical help is required by Southern Drone Solutions staff that is outside basic operating conditions, Southern Drone Solutions reserves the right to invoice for their time at $60excl. GST per half hour.
Southern Drone Solutions reserves the right to check device usage(flight logs) to confirm the device was used for the agreed period of time. If the device was used outside the agreed time, Southern Drone Solutions reserves the right to charge at the daily rate.

No booking is confirmed until paid for in full or until written confirmation is received from Southern Drone Solutions. Written confirmation will typically be in the form of an email advising you that the booking has been confirmed.
Hire period
You agree to return the drone and accessories to Southern Drone Solutions within 1 business day before 12pm of the end of the hire period. If the drone and accessories are not returned within 1 business days before 12pm of the end of the hire period Southern Drone Solutions reserves the right to continue to charge late return fees until all rental items are returned. You agree that this is a fair way of compensating Southern Drone Solutions for the disruption caused to other customers and the normal flow of business.

Late return Fees
A daily charge of $50 will be applied to any rental items with a value under $3000 that are not returned to the shop on their due date. For rental items with a value over $3000, a daily charge of $100 will be applied for each day the item is not returned. These charges will be applied until the rental item is returned to the shop. By renting from our shop, you agree to these terms and conditions regarding out-of-shop days.
If the equipment is hired but not used for any reason, such as a hired drone being rented for a Saturday but unable to be returned on Sunday due to it being outside of our business hours, or for a rental that spans over a weekend, with the equipment not being used on the days in between, Southern Drone Solutions reserves the right to charge 25% of the daily rate for each day the equipment is away but not used, including weekends and outside of business hours returns. It is the responsibility of the renter to make necessary arrangements to return the equipment during our business hours.

Security Deposit
You may be required to pay a deposit for each drone hired. This deposit will be refunded to your nominated New Zealand bank account or credit card on safe return of all drones and accessories.
Terms of payment
Full payment of all hire fees and bond is required before release of the drone and accessories to you. Overdue payments may attract interest at commercial rates. Unpaid invoices may be passed to a collection agency 45 days after the due date of the invoice.

Responsibility for equipment
You are responsible for the drone and accessories from the time they are delivered to you until the time Southern Drone Solutions receives them back.
Damage to equipment due to rain
You agree to pay Southern Drone Solutions for the repair of any water related damage to the drone caused by flying in and around water or rain. There are moisture indicator stickers placed around our rental equipment to establish if a flight in the rain/around water has taken place.
Damage, modifications, and repair
You agree to pay Southern Drone Solutions for the repair of any damage that Southern Drone Solutions believes is not normal wear and tear. You will not attempt to modify or repair the drone or accessories under any circumstances. Southern Drone Solutions reserves the right to continue to charge hire at the daily rate for each drone/accessory being repaired until all drones and accessories are returned to Southern Drone Solutions. You agree that this is a fair way of compensating Southern Drone Solutions for the disruption caused to other customers and the normal flow of business.

You will not hold Southern Drone Solutions liable in any event for any damages (including immediate, incidental or consequential damages) or losses you may suffer arising from matters related to the use of the equipment by any person during the period of hire.

Southern Drone Solutions permits you, and only you, to operate the drone/equipment. For any other individual to operate the drone express permission must be sought, and obtained, from Southern Drone Solutions in writing. You understand that operation of a drone is legally regulated and as such you agree to abide by all applicable regulations. These regulations include but are not limited to: (a) Flying only in daylight (b) Being able to see the drone with your own eyes at all times (c) Not flying above 120 metres (d) Not flying within four kilometres (4 km) of an airport (e) Not flying above people, property or land without consent from the individual and/or owner The operation of drones is regulated by the Civil Aviation Authority. You can read part 101 of these regulations online. You can contact the CAA by telephoning +64 4 560 9400 or by emailing rpas@caa.govt.nz.

In the event that the drone is confiscated (e.g by the CAA or NZ Police) you agree to immediately pay Southern Drone Solutions for the full replacement value of the drone and accessories. You agree that ownership of the confiscated drone does not pass to yourself. Southern Drone Solutions may refund any or all monies paid at their sole discretion on return of the confiscated drone and accessories.
Ownership of equipment
Southern Drone Solutions will retain ownership of all drones and accessories at all times.

Cancellation of hire
Southern Drone Solutions retains the right to cancel the hire of any or all drones and/or accessories at any time by providing written notice. Hire costs for the remaining hire period will be refunded pro-rata.
If the customer cancels their rental 12 hours before the rental, or on the day of the rental, even if it’s due to rain or weather conditions, Southern Drone Solutions reserves the right to charge 50% of the total rental value due to potential disruptions with other rentals, lost business opportunities, and incurred expenses.
Please note that we always try to be flexible and accommodating with our customers, but last-minute cancellations can have a significant impact on our business. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Freight & courier
You agree to pay Southern Drone Solutions to cover the cost of freight from Southern Drone Solutions’s Auckland base to your nominated location(s) in New Zealand. You agree to arrange and pay for the cost of return freight to Southern Drone Solutions’s nominated address, unless Southern Drone Solutions provides a pre-paid courier service. You agree to send the drone and accessories via a courier service that is fully-insured for the value of the drone and accessories using only packaging provided by Southern Drone Solutions. Southern Drone Solutions will not be held responsible for delays in the courier network; or held responsible for delays resulting from the action or inaction of Southern Drone Solutions’s nominated courier service. You agree to pay Southern Drone Solutions for any transport caused damages to the hire equipment.